
UK Dissertations can help you Write the Perfect Dissertation: From Research and Planning to Writing and Formatting

A dissertation is one of those seemingly intimidating essay writing projects that does not have to be scary or confusing. First, it is important to look at what separates the perfect dissertation from one that falls short of ideal. Dissertation help is only one step away!

The Perfect Dissertation versus the Mediocre One

  • The perfect dissertation has a clear thesis statement and set of objectives versus one that only has a general topic with a vague thesis statement.
  • The perfect dissertation illustrates comprehensive references and deep analysis versus one that has a narrow research cope and relies heavily on source material rather than delivers any critical thinking.
  • The perfect dissertation contains consistently correct grammar, spelling, formatting and referencing versus the research essay that is scattered in its presentation, writing, grammar, and research style.
  • The perfect dissertation illustrates an understanding of the course materials and theory through a cohesive research structure versus one that fails to convince the reader.


Tips on Developing the Perfect Dissertation

Second, in order to achieve the perfect dissertation, there are some key tips to follow:


· Prepare proposal early: The roadmap to a perfect dissertation is a proposal, which will serve as your guide as you work on your research. Start this early in case your topic is not approved. Be sure to prepare a few potential topics in case this happens. That’s why starting early pays dividends and allows you to put more thought into what becomes the foundation of that perfect dissertation.

· Develop a correct dissertation structure: While there are always some modifications based on the class or level of dissertation, there is still a basic structure that you should put down first so that it can help you know just what you need to develop and where it should go within the dissertation. The typical dissertation structure includes a cover page, abstract, acknowledgments page, table of contents, table of figures, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendations followed by references/bibliography list and appendices.

· Budget time: While six to nine months may seem like plenty of time to finish your dissertation, the reality is that you get lost in your coursework, reading, and lectures and, before you know it, many months has passed. The best tip is to prepare a Gantt chart, which is a schedule designed to track the various parts of the dissertation that you must complete. This helps you budget your time by making you accountable to finish a task or chapter by a certain date.

· Focus on content and writing style: A dissertation is most likely the largest writing assignment you will have to complete at college, so content and style become very important. You cannot assume that quantity trumps quality here. The content and style must be academic, analytical, and intellectual in its delivery. This means avoiding filler and fluff, contractions, vague statements, unproven statements, personal opinion and colloquialisms. You must also use third person and maintain a balanced, objective perspective when delivering conclusions and recommendations based on the research.

· Dig deep for research: The amount and quality of research must be comprehensive and often includes both primary and secondary source material. All research must follow a specific research style when it is integrated into the dissertation. And, most importantly, all research, theories, and ideas must be attributed to their rightful author so as to not commit plagiarism, which is considered the academic kiss of death.

· Revise and rethink: Finally, with such a large assignment, one draft or even two just won’t do. The process of dissertation writing requires ongoing revisions, reflection, and rethinking. This will provide a way to ensure a logical flow and the appropriate level of critical analysis.

Still not sure how to develop that perfect dissertation? Seek writing and research assistance from our professional team of dissertation writers. Find out how our dissertation writing service can help you