
Faster Customer Service Numbers

We have all experienced those times when we have ordered a product or a service which we have experienced problems with. First, we try to rectify the problem ourselves – but, if that is not possible, we often reluctantly accept that we are going to have to call one of their customer service numbers, and hope that their telephone customer service is one of the few good ones which will not see us having to spend an age going through lots of automated questions and button pushing only to find that we are left holding for an hour and passed from department to department.

Customer Services Rage

Ever since customer service numbers were introduced and then automated, there have been increasing levels of customer service rage. Anyone who has has considerable recent experience of calling customer service numbers should be able to understand why.

Quite often, in calling one of these numbers you will be expected to speak to a computer which, unless you speak the Queen’s English, can rarely seem to understand what you are saying. Then, when you finally get beyond the automated computer, you will be passed on, quite often to the wrong department, who will then pass you on to several other departments while you hold for what seems like an eternity before you finally get the help you need. This is enough to seriously anger many people who call customer service numbers today.

The Solution

Luckily, some clever people have recognised this as a very real problem for a large percentage of the population, and they have set up website directories which provide the general public with customer service numbers for a large number and variety of companies. Such companies often include big names like The AA, Apple, British Gas, Dominos and Ikea.

However, the beauty of these numbers is that they can be easy to look up through the directory and, unlike those provided by the companies themselves, used to make immediate contact with a person and thus bypass the usual plentiful awkward automated questions. This can enable you to save a lot of time and remain calm, cool and collected while on the phone. has a range of direct customer service numbers available. To learn more visit their website today.