
Email Lists from The Data Octopus

If you own a business, then marketing is likely to be one of your biggest concerns. It is hard to get the word out about your business, especially if it is a start-up company or a smaller business. There is simply no way that you can compete with the flashy TV and Internet adverts that larger corporations use and this means that you need to find more affordable solutions for your marketing campaigns.

Direct marketing is one of the most affordable ways that you can spread the word about your products and services as you can target customers directly without it costing you a fortune. Direct communication with clients is a great way to get the ball rolling and pique their interests. Of course, in order to do this, you need to have access to a phone number or email address but, this is easy to accomplish if you buy email lists from the Data Octopus.

Email Lists

Email lists are simply lists which have been compiled from a range of different sources including market research, business sales and from customer feedback and the like. When customers buy products from companies, they are often asked whether they would be happy with other companies contacting them, if they say yes, then they may find their way onto one of the email lists from the Data Octopus or another direct marketing company.

Email lists from the Data octopus do not simply contain the email address of a company but they also provide information such as ages, purchase histories, gender etc, so the company can put together a quality data list which will contain the email addresses of people who are likely to need or want your products and services.

The Data Octopus

The Data Octopus currently has the details of over 15 million consumers and 1.2 million businesses in their databases. This means that you could potentially reach thousands, or even millions of potential clients who may have an interest in your product. The company ensure that all email lists from the Data Octopus are extremely accurate, so you won’t be wasting your time if you decide to market in this way.



The Data Octopus is specialists in B2B and B2C direct marketing and data analysis. Visit their website for more information on email lists from The Data Octopus .