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Clothes Airers

We all know what happens when you get a load of clothes out of the washing machine and you’re at a loss for what to do with them. If you’re blessed with a high capacity tumble drier you can just toss the load in, close the door, and forget about it for a few hours. If you’re not so lucky to own a tumble drier or you have certain clothes that cannot be dried like that or you’ve simply got too many for a single load, you have to find another way of drying out your clothes. Many people used to hang them outside on the washing line to dry naturally, but with freak weather conditions becoming commonplace compounded with the general unreliability of the weather itself, sometimes that just isn’t a practical solution to a problem like this.

Clothes airers are something of an old school method of drying your clothes. Clothes airers are somewhat derived from clothes horses that would be place in front of a fire to dry clothes out, and the principle is very similar today. If you happen to have a fire in your house and use it regularly, placing a clothes airer nearby could help dry out your clothes quickly. Alternatively you could put your clothes airers next to a radiator for a similar effect. Most of the time you will have to put up with just leaving your clothes out on clothes airers without any heat source drying them, leading to a natural drying that may leave your clothes smelling a little bit damp and stale while leaving them still wrinkled from the wash.

Luckily there are new models of clothes airers with built in heating technology to avoid these commonplace problems with clothes airers. All you have to do it plug it into a wall socket, and that’s it. The heating rods inside the frame of the clothes airers will warm up to a comfortable temperature and dry the clothes you drape on it. While it isn’t as good as getting creases out as ironing, this type of clothes airer will do a better job than a regular one.



Clothes Airers are fantastic home accessories that can allow your clothes to dry naturally and at we can supply the best Clothes Dryers for your laundry needs. Visit us today!