Shops & Retail

Timber Sash Windows

You might be wondering what timber sash windows are, and to tell you the truth, so am I. Let’s have a little walkthrough what we can break down from the name timber sash windows. Tiber obviously means wood, and sash windows are those sort of windows that are made up of separate panes surrounded by a thin wooden frame that were highly popular in Georgian and Victorian housing and shops, so obviously timber sash windows is effectively another name to describe sash windows themselves. One of the things you must admire about timber sash windows is the aesthetic they can bring to a home or shop front. They’re highly tasteful to this very day and highly admired by many, perhaps you’d even consider getting some fitted in your home at some point.

There are a number of downsides to original timber sash windows, the most major one being how thin the panes of glass are. In a world of energy efficiency, you can hardly let having thin window panes result in you turning up the heat because you have to handle with the existing heat being let out through the thin panes of your timber sash windows. Many window contractors can alter your timber sash windows to have double glazed panes, so you can have the modern benefit of double glazing without losing the design aspect of classy timber sash windows.

Another common problem with timber sash windows is any kind of problem with wood mites. Considering the timber aspect of these windows, you might worry that they’d be ruined should any wood feasting mite getting their teeth into your timber sash windows. While there are treatments, they’re mostly preventative. Just inspect your timber sash windows every now and then for any bumps or crumbling of the wood to the touch and you should be perfectly fine.

Timber sash windows are certainly more elegant than the awful thick windows surrounded by horrible white plastic we see these days, but unfortunately it seems that while insulation technology moves forward our sense of design and style moves back three paces. Regardless, timber sash windows will be around for years to come still. has a veritable plethora of first rate timber sash windows which make the perfect addition to any abode. All tilt turn window products are furnished from only the very finest materials.