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Bath Enamel Repair – Don’t abandon ship, repair your old vessel!

Although in life ‘a change is as good as a rest’ some remain adamant that when a physical item- a household appliance, their mobile phone or a child’s play thing – breaks or diminishes in appearance, it MUST be replaced.

No! This is NOT always the case. Indeed, there are times where a refurbishment or repair may not be possible and replacement is- as a last resort – the only real option to take. But how about the times when all it will take is a simple procedure and your items can be virtually reborn to their former glory?

Tubby- with over three decade’s experience of being bath enamel repair specialists – are firm believers that a complete makeover is possible in over 90% of cases where a bath tub is in need of some TLC. In fact, rather than face the cost implications incurred if their customers were to choose a new tub over repairing their former, Tubby claim to be one of few bath enamel repair providers that can- with a bath repair kit from them – help transform pretty much any bath tub to look ship shape, good as new.

Bath enamel repair is not as elaborate or time consuming as some may envisage prior to researching bath enamel repair as opposed to an expensive replacement project. Bath enamel repair – or ‘resurfacing’ – can be undertaken at home by an unqualified individual, at little time or cost expense. Furthermore, bath enamel repair using a decent bath repair kit is a cost effective, easily achievable means of taking matters into your own hands before you fork out for a professional.

Within a bath enamel repair kit you from Tubby you can expect to find everything you could possibly need to initiate your in- house repair projects. Their new and improved bath enamel repair kit – despite its minute price – actually comes fully inclusive of an incredible range of products like fillers, degreasers and toners. And what’s more, every product on offer within a bath enamel repair kit from Tubby is certifiably ‘safe’ even in uneducated hands.

Should you incur a problem with your bath enamel repair kit or indeed, get yourself in a spin using your bath enamel repair kit then Tubby are also on hand at any time of the day to give you the advice and support you need to achieve an professional result with your bath repair kit.

If you feel able to use a bath repair kit to replenish your old vessel, call or visit Tubby today for more information.



Does your tub need some love? Go to Tubby the UK’s Bath Enamel Repair specialists! With their Bath Repair Kit, you can restore your bath to shipshape and Bristol fashion.