
Making An Industrial Disease Compensation Claim

Industrial diseases can be one of the most difficult things to treat. Consistently working in a zone where toxins are present, or an area where there is a great deal of sound or even vibration can cause any number of different ailments and not all of them manifest straight away. Industrial deafness is something that can take years to develop and can be a very debilitating illness. It is estimated that industrial accidents, of which diseases are a part, occur to the tune of 25,000 a year. That means there is a significant number of people who want to find out why their lives have been affected in such a detrimental way. By contacting a personal injury solicitor, you could find out whether your illness could, or probably should, have been prevented. Nobody should have to forsake their health for a job, especially if they don’t know the consequences. Of course, probably the most famous case of industrial disease was the use of asbestos which has crippled many people’s lives and resulted in many a compensation claim.

The issue is sometimes not blame, either. Often a disease may only manifest itself over time. With increasing knowledge we understand the effects of using certain pieces of equipment or materials, and often, by that time it is too late. By staying quiet about your illness, you may actually be jeopardising your colleagues because they could be suffering the same symptoms. By speaking up and finding a personal injury solicitor your compensation claim could bring about an alteration in working conditions that can save lives and livelihoods not just now but in the future also. It may also serve to highlight negligent attitudes of a particular employer and show them that they have to take health and safety seriously.



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