
How Long Should You Use Child Car Seats For?

There are many different suggestions about how long you should have child car seats for, with estimates varying from removing them at age 4, right through to removing them at the age of twelve. Unfortunately, there is no law as such that says at what age it is safe to remove a car seat and as such it can be very confusing for parents.

Ultimately, the use of a car seat is all about making sure your child is as safe as possible. There are many different guidelines that go on age, weight or even height and many different options from seats that accommodate those up to twelve years through to booster seats that can be beneficial for any child.

The first thing to do is to ensure that you buy high quality car seats. Manufacturers such as Concord and Britax will offer very high quality seats that will accommodate children of different sizes and ages as they grow up. Whilst twelve may seem very old to be using a car seat, if your child is particularly small it may indeed serve them well to still have the protection of car seats.

Other people feel that once they are out of pushchairs, they can be out of a car seat. This is a dangerous way to look at it however as a car seat is very different thing to pushchairs. A car seat is totally about keeping your child safe and, as such, they should remain in a car seat or booster seat until they are tall enough and heavy enough to be protected by just a seatbelt.

Ultimately, it will be up to you to judge, but it is always best to keep them in a car seat for longer than they need to be rather than shorter. Once they reach 4 foot 9 inches, they are likely to be fine with just a seatbelt, but always keep them in the back of the car until they are at least 12.



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