Clothing & Accessories

Funky Giraffe Bibs have a selection of baby bibs that are as fashionable as they are affordable

If you are expecting a little bundle of joy then you will, without question, be more than aware of the sheer amount of essentials that are needed in order to ensure that your little ones are healthy and happy. From high chairs to baby-grows, pacifiers to a crib for a peaceful nights’ sleep the list of essentials to make a baby feel comfortable is never ending. Well at least Funky Giraffe Bibs can take one item off your mind. The baby bibs of their catalogue are as affordable as they offer a selection of different designs.

Funky Giraffe Bibs was brought to life when a fashion designer, and new mother, was struck with inspiration. Unimpressed with the bland baby bibs that she found in both online and high street retailers her creative vision took hold, and she made her mind up to supply a selection of baby bibs to customers across the land.

Today, with the formation of Giraffe Bibs you have the opportunity to choose from a selection of the most stylish and practical baby bibs of any retailer in the UK. These baby bibs compliment most any outfit that your baby is wearing, and will leave you with that warm and snug feeling each every single time that they are worn.

One of the principal benefits of the baby bibs that are offered by Funky Giraffe Bibs is that they are manufactured solely from environmentally-conscious and sustainable fabrics and soft cotton. Mass produced baby bibs do not have the same intricate attention to detail, stylish and gaudy appearance as those of Funky Giraffe Bibs, and as such the baby bibs that we can offer you are sure to make meal times all the more fun.

To find out more information about the selection of baby bibs designs that we can offer you, or indeed if you’d like to contact us and discuss any queries that you may have then come online to:



Baby Bibs from We achieve the impossible by making your baby even more adorable with our amazing bibs. Visit our website for Bandana Bibs.