
Keeping Your Cat Active

Cats love to play. However, they also love to sleep too, and very soon you may well find that your furry feline suddenly forsakes exercise altogether in favour of basking in the sun or curling up in your laundry basket. Therefore, it is very important to keep them active right from the start so that they don’t get into bad habits; habits which could lead to them putting on weight and becoming rather unhealthy too.

The right cat food is a good start. Better quality cat food will ensure they have more energy and in turn wish to expend it rather than just sleeping all day. With quality food they will feel more vital, happier and healthier and in turn will be far more likely to do all the things they were born to do.

Once you have found some good quality cat kibble, the next thing to do is to make sure you play with your cat a lot too. Whilst it may be far more rewarding for you to cuddle up with your cat, this can get them into the habit of being rewarded for sleeping and therefore playing with them and getting them moving will be vital if you want them to stay healthy and fit.

Playing with your cat is especially important if your pet stay indoors as they will not have the same opportunities to stalk prey and explore that they would outside. Therefore, you may also need to buy plenty of toys that they can play with themselves when you are not around.

Keeping your cat active is extremely important if you want them to stay happy, healthy and in turn experience far fewer health problems. The right games, cat kibble and toys will not only keep them active, but also far happier in the long run too.

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