Construction & Maintenance

‘Oi Nosey Parker, stop looking at me through my frameless glass partitions!

Next time you arrive at your desk bang on 9am- bleary eyed, ready to begin your working day- sit down, rub the sleep from the corners of your crusty peepers and take a good look around. Do you love the office space you’re in? Can you see a gaggle of smiley happy people; tapping cheerfully away at their keyboards, glowing in contentment with their working environment? Or, do you see an assortment of clutter and mess accumulated over months of having not even an inch of spare horizontal space to place a brew upon and a crowd of people who want nothing more than a second of privacy to make an important phone call?

Your office is a reflection of who you are and what your business is really all about. So, if you feel like you’re constantly talking to a brick wall when attempting a dialogue with a disgruntled employee who – above anything else would just like to enjoy some personal space between the hours of 9 to 5 – then frameless glass partitions could be all you need to practically transform your office space without having to get the painters and decorators in. Frameless glass partitions can make your office feel bigger and, whilst remaining ‘open’ – frameless glass partitions can add private areas for important meetings and calls.

You don’t have to know anything about Feng Shui to know how frameless glass partitions could enhance the area your company operates within but, if you do need some expert guidance on where the frameless glass partitions you desire should be positioned; how many frameless glass partitions you will need to create the illusion of having extra space or; how much your order of frameless glass partitions will cost to install- then visit Interior Design Developments today.

Interior Design Developments is a UK leading supplier of office frameless glass partitions, demountable partitions and frosted glass partitions for a huge numbers of companies nationwide. They boast an amazing selection of frameless glass partitions that thus far, haven’t been rivalled on either cost or quality and what they don’t know about frameless glass partitions and demountable partitions isn’t worth knowing because, their team – through a dedication to constantly expanding their knowledge of frameless glass partitions and demountable partitions and scouring the market for new revolutionary products on a daily basis – have all the background, experience and prowess to initiate a solution to any troublesome office space.

To find out more about frameless glass partitions, demountable partitions and frosted glass partitions; all affordable without compromising on quality, visit: for more information!



Frameless Glass Partitions with We provide our customers with high quality office glass partitions. We can also supply a wide range of glazing options which includes frameless glass partitions and Demountable Partitions.