
Monitor your security staff to achieve maximum efficiency with a first class guard tour system.

The statistics are shocking, every 37 seconds a burglary occurs in the UK which accumulates to a massive 1 million actual or attempted burglaries every year, businesses are loosing a huge amount of money in stock and an immeasurable amount of time and annoyance in rectifying their premises! It is a well documented fact that a burglar would rather choose premises with no visible signs of security such as CCTV monitoring, security lighting and arguably the most effective of all security patrol systems. At Guard Patrol Products we understand the need to protect our assets especially in today’s tough economic climate where crime levels are on the increase we also understand the importance of monitoring our security staff to ensure the job in hand is being carried out with optimum efficiency and reliability and one of the most effective ways of ensuring this is by installing full proof guard tour systems.

Guard Patrol Products are a no nonsense straight talking company with headquarters located in Dorset UK, we specialise in the provision of a variety of premium class security monitoring with a first class guard tour system helping companies achieve the very best from their security staff. With our wealth of experience in this field married with our flexible approach and absolute commitment to complete client satisfaction we have become widely regarded as amongst the very best in the field of supply and maintenance of security patrol systems.

.The service we provide is flexible and our aim is to tailor the guard tour system to your individual requirements whether it is a nursing home ,manufacturing facilities or retail outlets we will advise and provide the very best security patrol systems for your needs. From data reader guard tour systems to the identification device and mini tool lite software we provide it all along with extensive training and instruction on the system.

We are pro-active and believe that prevention is always better than cure, leave nothing to chance make sure your staff are covering all bases contact the professionals today!



Guard Tour System from We offer fantastic quality dog training aids and accessories, look no further. Visit today if you are looking for Security Patrol Systems.