
4 Uses For Printed Plastic Cards

Printed plastic cards have a surprising number of potential uses and because you can create the design that goes on them, and can include a variety of different features such as personalised barcodes and electronic chips, it is possible to use them for virtually anything you want. They have already been used as loyalty cards, gift cards, business cards, and access cards but you don’t have to be restricted by these choices.


1 – Loyalty Cards


A loyalty or points scheme can prove a highly valuable way of promoting a business. It will encourage customers and clients to keep coming back to your business as they attempt to build points or work towards a particular goal. It may also encourage them to spend more whenever they use your shop or company. Magnetic stripes or barcodes can be personalised for each user which means that plastic cards are the ideal choice.


2 – Gift Cards


Plastic cards are a lot better looking than card and are more affordable than materials like metal. As such they provide the perfect compromise. You could create gift cards that your customers can give to their friends and family giving you yet another way in which you can profit from your business and providing another viable and beneficial use of plastic printed cards.


3 – Business Cards


The design of plastic cards can be fully customised to your requirements and because they are an attractive option it means that they can also be used to create unique business cards that will serve you well when dealing with contacts, leads, customers, and other professionals. Add a logo, provide contact details, and you can even have the shape of the car customised to your needs with cut-outs and other design ideas.


4 – Access Cards


It isn’t just the design of the card itself that can be customised either. Barcode or magnetic strips, and other unique identifiers can be added to the cards. This means that they can prove ideal for use as access cards. Certain individuals can be granted access to restricted areas and different levels of access can be granted according to whose card it is.


Visit to view other ways in which you can use printed plastic cards. There are many ways in which you can personalise the design to meet your needs.