
Don’t be a statistic protect your property and your staff with premiere fire alarms London.

Let’s consider the statistics for a moment every 37 seconds a burglary occurs in the UK which accumulates to a massive 1 million actual or attempted burglaries every year! Every 8 seconds a domestic fire occurs, and with fire in commercial premises, businesses have lost a massive £1.3 billion in one year! These figures are astounding and with the high technological world we live in it seems crazy that the statistics are still so high. South East Fire and Security are a one stop service dedicated to providing quality products and invaluable advice with our renowned fire alarms London and burglar alarms London service in order to protect your premises against these two evils with an aim to get these figures reduced.

South East Fire and Security Ltd based in Westcliffe on Sea, Essex is a no nonsense straight forward company specialising in the world of fire and burglary prevention. We have been providing this comprehensive service for customers all over Kent and London with this elite service for over 30 years. With a wealth of experience in this very niche and our absolute commitment to complete client satisfaction across the board we are widely regarded as amongst the very best for Fire alarms London and burglar alarms London.

The services we offer are wide and varied and rest assured each and every one complies to the fullest with the latest British safety standards and are BS8243 and PD 6662 compliant as exemplary health and safety come as standard with Southeast Fire and Security. We cover every aspect of security from access control and emergency lighting and our burglar alarms London service is a complete one from initial design, supply, installation maintenance and even monitoring. The service is tailor made to your individual requirements.

With our fire alarms London we firstly carry out a risk assessment so that we can advise on the very best equipment for your premises. Our fire alarms London team will design a system install it and provide training and maintenance.

For independent advise or a no obligation quote contact us on 01702 329146.



Fire Alarms London available at We offer quality fire systems and prevention, security systems, design, service backup, installation and more, Visit us today for Burglar Alarms London.