
Bed Bug Control

At one time bed bugs had all but died out in the Western world, but over the past decade, they have made a comeback. Bed bug infestations are once again on the rise. This means that good bed bug control is once again important for homeowners and some businesses.

Types of Bed Bug Control

Bed bug control covers everything from simply hovering and steam cleaning mattresses on a regular basis to eradicating an existing infection. Most good pest control firms will do everything from simple prevention to eradicating an existing infection.

To prevent bed bugs you should change your sheets every week and wash them on a hot cycle, vacuum your bed at least 3 times a year and turn your mattress every month. If you have a steam cleaner, use that occasionally to clean your mattress. When you do this look for signs of infestation, if you have a bad infestation, you will actually see the bugs. In the early days, the bugs are not easy to detect. Little specs of blood on the sheets can be a sign. If you feel itchy in bed and suffer small bites, you could have an infestation.

The moment you suspect you have an infestation you should call in a pest control agency. The sooner you call them the better your chances are of eradicating the infection. Doing so will save you having to buy a new bed and mattress.

Finding a Good Bed Bug Control Service

There are plenty of firms who claim to be able to eradicate bed bugs. However, not all of them can actually do so. It is important to check the credentials of any firm you are planning to use, to make sure that they are properly qualified.

The best bed bug control services work with businesses as well as homeowners. They use chemicals and steam cleaning to eradicate existing infestations from the mattress, bedstead and springs, they usually also install climb up inceptors. Next, they set up a monitoring process to verify that the infestation has been eradicated. Finally, they offer you future control services such as regular steam cleaning.

Merlin Environmental

are great at dealing with any Bed Bug problems you may have, see the site for more information.