
What is a GSM Gateway?

A GSM gateway is a relatively new product on the market which can be attached onto your telephone system in order to reduce your landline to mobile call costs.


To understand how GSM gateways work you must first understand how your current telephone landline system operates. When you are calling a mobile from from your landline, the telephone system reroutes your call from the telephone system to the telephone network and then to the mobile network. This is when a fixed-rate connect charge is applied to your account making it costly to call other mobile phones.


When you use a GSM gateway on your telephone line it automatically reroutes the call directly to the mobile network, missing out the telephone network step completely. By removing the telephone network connection process the call is actually classified as a mobile to mobile call, and the interconnect fees are removed completely, saving you precious money.


While GSM gateways can be used for a personal household, they are especially cost effective for large businesses. It’s not just phone calls that your business can save money on, a bulk SMS service can also be operated through a GSM gateway. The GSM gateway provides different options on how to display your telephone number to the person you are calling; you can have it appear as a mobile number, a geographical landline number or a witheld number depending on your personal preferences. GSM networks are extremely secure and are even able to provide you with a disaster recovery service if something should happen to your telecom system.


Companies that provide a GSM gateway service will be able to give you detailed monthly reports about your telephone calls, so you will be able to see exactly how much money you are saving.


GSM gateways do require professional installation, however many companies are able to offer a full package that includes installation and maintenance of your GSM gateway on an annual basis. GSM gateways also have an automated breakdown system installed which will alert a GSM technician immediately if there is a problem with the system.



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