
Server Room Cooling Solutions

Server rooms are areas that are designed to house a number of computer servers. Servers can generate a lot of heat, which if not controlled, may result in the equipment working less efficiently. In order to prevent this from happening, the air in the server room must be cooled. This article takes a look at several of the cooling options currently available for server rooms.


Air Conditioning


Air conditioning is one of the most common options for small sized server rooms. In order for the air conditioning unit to work correctly, it must be switched on almost all day. This can make it both expensive to run and bad for the environment. In order to select a more environmentally friendly air conditioning unit, it is worth taking a look at the energy efficiency ratings (EER) of each system. You also need to pick a make and model that is reliable. It is also preferable to choose one that has an auto restart function, in the event that there is a power cut in the server room.


Eco Cooling Systems


Eco cooling is a relatively new technology that uses an air based cooling system, which is suitable for medium sized server rooms. It provides a more economically friendly and energy efficient option, as it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. It will also cost less to operate in the long-run.


Flat Pack Chillers


A flat pack chiller, is a type of cooling system which is designed to fit into tight, small or hard to reach areas. This makes them ideal for use in large, crammed server rooms. There is also the possibility of getting custom made flat pack chillers, which can be tailored exactly to your specifications. They are also designed to be quiet.


You can find these three systems, or a number of additional systems, by searching online. Try searching for keywords such as ‘server room cooling equipment’ and see what type of results you get. Any reputable company that provides server cooling systems will be able to help you to choose the right cooling system for your needs.



With energy prices climbing it’s never been more important to save money on heating bills. From server room cooling to conservatory cooling, at almost any room can be upgraded.