
A Look At Mobile Catering

If you are working on a film or television set you would be immediately familiar with mobile catering. While mobile catering also appears in other lines of work, the film and television industry requires mobile catering due to a lack of a proper canteen. The quality of mobile catering is highly variable depending on who you hire, some mobile catering can really just be someone with a burger van much like you see at car boot sales or public events, but others can be very high scale operations that involve intricately crafted and cooked dishes that could rival most five star restaurants, but in a lot of cases mobile catering on average tends to fall between these two opposites. While contracts and legal requirements may or may not state that you are required to feed your crew and cast, in most cases it is wise to provide mobile catering as a courtesy in order to ensure that they remain pleasant and complacent. Failure to provide mobile catering might see dissent in the ranks that could affect scheduling and productivity on the whole, so often mobile catering is accounted for unless there is legitimately no budget left for it.

The number of mobile catering firms operating in the country is innumerable, but on average you’re going to find a vast majority are not suited to your production. You want mobile catering that can fit into your budget as well as provide high quality nutrition to all involved on set. Having connections in the mobile catering business can also be highly beneficial when it comes to agreeing a price; if you know someone high up in a mobile catering firm they might be able to cut you a deal on cost, or perhaps you could work out a deal across a number of productions where they have the exclusive rights to provide mobile catering. The former example however is only really a deal that can be made between a production company however, and one-time production companies only making a single film would not be able to promise that to the mobile catering firm.



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