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A Look At Car Seats for Children

In order to comply with the law in the UK, you need car seats for children. The reason behind this law about car seats for children is based in health and safety. Some people may shrug their shoulders and consider it to be health and safety gone mad, but car seats for children are highly important for protecting children in the event of a crash. Regular seatbelts are not designed for children, and car seats for children are used in order to aid their usage when it comes to them. There are incidents where children and strangled by the seatbelt due to not being tall enough for it to fit over their chest, and instead strap across their neck, which in turn leads to said strangulation. The car seats for children effectively boost the children upwards so the seatbelt can fit across them in such a way that it does not strap across their neck. Additionally the seatbelt can be locked into the car seats for children in order to make sure they cannot tamper with the seat belt either. If the child was to tamper with the seatbelt they could in theory end up strangling themselves with the seatbelt like the previous example.

Another reason why car seats for children are essential when it comes to making sure seatbelts are effective, small children can easily slip out of seatbelts without car seats for children hooking them in properly or boosting them to a height where the seatbelt is as effective as it would be on a larger or older child or a fully grown adult. The impact and force made during a car crash is very great, and as a result the jolt can knock people forwards in a great direction. Seatbelts are fantastic for negating this force and keeping people in their seats, but if a small child is strapped in via seatbelt without car seats for children being employed to make the seatbelt as effective as it would be normally, they could easily go flying out of their seat. Hopefully now you know the importance of car seats for children.


Car Seats for Children from For all of your child car safety requirements at unbeatable prices and quality, why not check out our range of Child Car Seats.