
See how ECU Remapping can boost your vehicle’s power and save you money too

A friend of mine has just had ECU remapping on his vehicle and at first I thought he was crazy to even consider messing with his engine. Why would you shell out decent money for a car then pay to get it modified? It just goes to show how much I know about cars, ECU remapping has proved to have massive benefits straight away and even more in the long run. My mate, in his infinite wisdom, has managed to boost the power of his motor and improve the fuel efficiency of the vehicle at the same time.

I’m not a petrol-head by any means but even an engine-phobic amateur like me can appreciate results like that so I started doing some research. I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to tinkering with engines, I still imagine mechanics fiddling with parts in engine bays to enhance the performance of a car but modern ECU remapping is nothing like that. These days technicians plug their laptops into the car’s computer controlled system and this enables them to alter various parameters in the system.

High tech mechanics, or calibration engineers, examine the current state of the internal workings and calculate its potential. Their job is to get the most out of your vehicle through careful adjustments. Getting your engine finely calibrated can give you a significant boost in power, improving acceleration, horsepower and torque by up to 35%. That’s enough to have me booking my own vehicle in for performance chip tuning right now!

You’ll also find that you save money over time on because your fuel goes further. Your engine will be recalibrated to make it as fuel-efficient as possible through ECU remapping. Now I don’t have to point out how essential this can be in these energy-conscious times. Fuel prices are shocking at the moment and they’ll only get worse. So why not take control by optimise your engine through performance chip tuning and get the most out of every top up?

Don’t waste another day driving a vehicle that isn’t performing to its best, visit us online at:



ECU Remapping from We are the forefront of the newest innovation and technology in the field of performance engineering. Visit today if you are looking for Performance Chip Tuning.