Travel & Leisure

Europe in 2012

The Olympics are coming and many people are thrilled by the possibility of sports dominating out lives over the coming months. However, a great deal are not so enthralled and with the rest of Europe a mere stone’s throw away, knowing what is happening in Europe this year could allow you to get away with some cheap ferry tickets and find the perfect way to distract yourself from the madness at home.

It is often easy to forget just how near to the continent we are since we so often look at flying everywhere. With ferry crossings, the mainland of Europe can be reached in no time at all, and depending on where you live it could be a great deal quicker and cheaper to find cheap ferry tickets and head abroad than it would be to actually head to London.

As with any year, there will be certain events that happen again and again, but events that the majority of people will still never have experienced. From the tour de France, to the running of the bulls in Pamplona, there are all manner of different events to be seen. In July, you can experience the Redeemer’s festival in Venice or the world Firework Festival in Cannes. In August, you can experience the Rhine in Flames festival in Germany or head to Spain for the largest vegetable fight in the world.

Ultimately, whilst all eyes are glued to the sports here, there will be plenty to do in Europe from now until the very end of the year whether you want to visit any of the epic music festivals that Belgium or Spain have to offer or simply wish to see some of the most beautiful cities on earth. With so many ferry crossings going every day, it is amazing how close these amazing festivities really are.



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