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A Look At ECU Remapping

ECU remapping is the simplest way to get more out of your car. In the case of some normal road cars, would you believe that their performance is restricted quite a lot? Some people just assume that the expensive high performance cars are able to perform how they are simply because of the cost, but with ECU remapping even a standard road car can give them a run for their money. The biggest worry some people have about ECU remapping is the fuel economy created when you improve the performance of your car, but you’d be totally wrong in thinking it affects the fuel balance negatively. With ECU remapping the change is negligible in terms of extra fuel used to power the increased performance, unlike most gas guzzling high performance cars, regular road cars with ECU remapping actually are able to maintain most of the fuel usage balance they had previously. Compared to the often high boost in performance that comes with ECU remapping, the trade-off is incredible and you don’t have to worry about a thing. Knowing this makes ECU remapping even more attractive to consumers looking to get a little bit more from their standard road car.

When people ask what ECU remapping can do for their car in terms of practical usage, a lot of them forget that a little bit of extra acceleration can go a long way when it comes to everyday situations. If you’re looking to overtake someone who is slowing you down, you often pull into the next lane and speed ahead of them in order to switch back into their lane at a safe distance and not worry about being inhibited by their slower vehicle. However, trying to pull ahead of them requires acceleration, and if your car doesn’t have that it simply blocks the lane for other drivers while you are trying to slowly pull ahead of the other vehicle. With ECU remapping you care will have the acceleration ability to make that pull ahead and get into the lead. Hopefully now you understand how important ECU remapping is and what it can mean for your car.



Flash Remapping is a company specialising in ECU remapping. Our Engine remapping services will unleash the true potential of your car and will give you the impact of a new car without buying a new car!

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