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Advances in Technology Make CCTV an Extremely Efficient Security Measure

In this day and age, security of your premises is increasingly paramount – crime is continually on the rise and businesses can afford to lose revenue as a result of crime even less than ever before. Developments in technology make security solutions more effective and efficient and are a real step towards deterring and catching criminals.

CCTV systems have always been a sound security measure since they were invented in the 1970s, but often the images they produced were too grainy or blurred to be a real identifier of the criminals involved. Modern-day CCTV systems, however, now provide extremely clear, high-resolution images which are recorded and stored on central computer databases, preventing the theft of these images. A good example of this is a recent foolish thief who tried to steal the CCTV camera but ended up providing the perfect close-up mug shot, which was recorded several miles away and then broadcast on national TV!

The popularity of television, Internet and social media has also made catching thieves, attackers and vandals an easier task. Not only are the images taken by CCTV cameras much clearer, but they can be displayed to millions of people within a short period of time, giving a greater chance of the criminal being identified.

If you already have CCTV security solutions in place, then you can still improve your technology to benefit from the advances that have come in since they were installed. The Symmetry Video Management System by G4S incorporates most new and existing cameras and video recorders and allows the recording of high quality footage which can be coordinated with your other security systems, such as access control and alarm systems. Footage can be recorded on a network server or directly onto a PC, and can then be exported to CDs and DVDs for archiving if you wish.

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