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All about the datacenter

A datacenter is an integral part of our internet systems. A datacenter is an indispensable part of every organisation. Basically, a datacenter is a space where all types of electronics are stored and maintained. A datacenter also has the provision of a secondary power supply in case of a failure in the primary power supply. Basically – a datacenter is like a huge file where all the information of a company is stored. Let us consider the concept of a datacenter in further detail.

A datacenter is like a huge file containing all the information of a company. The information stored in datacenters can be anything like

The names of all the employees working for a company
The salaries paid to all the employees
The number of hours each employee worked in a particular month
The power bills of the company for a particular time period
The sales generated by a company
The profits generated by the company
The discounts offered to privileged customers
The funds used for repair and maintenance
The list is literally never ending

All this data is of absolute necessity if the company hopes to function properly. Many times, if the data is of a confidential nature – such as the credit card numbers of clients, names addresses, emails, telephone numbers etc are all encrypted and then stored at the datacenter. A datacenter ensures that the data is stored, processed and updated immediately. For example: when you go to a bank –you fill in a form to withdraw money. The cashier simply fills in the details of the form into the computer and gives out the cash to you. The rest is taken care of by the datacenter. It updates the system about the withdrawal of cash and stores the updated information within the system.



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