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Avoid the Holiday Road Chaos and Travel on Cheap Flights to Cyprus Instead

Although holidays are supposed to be all about fun, they are never as good as they were when you were a child. To avoid the hassle of travelling across the country to stay with one set of parents on Christmas Eve and another set on Boxing Day, why not avoid the holiday road chaos altogether and book cheap flights to Cyprus instead? Not only will going abroad for Christmas reduce your stress levels but it can also help you top up your tan!

Winter Sun

Although Cyprus isn’t as warm as you might expect it to be in December, one thing’s for sure: it won’t snow there unless a freak weather storm hits the Med. Cheap flights to Cyprus can take you, your partner and even your whole family if you wish off to a beautiful island that is full of Christmas cheer. Not only will you not be running around at the last minute wrapping presents but you also won’t be slaving over the oven on Christmas Day cooking dinner for everyone. In fact, you will more likely be enjoying the delicious food in the tavernas and taking relaxing walks along the beach than making sure Grandma Dot has enough sherry and Uncle Alfred keeps his language under control.

A Festive Christmas

If you choose to book cheap flights to Cyprus in the next few weeks you may already be comparing Christmas in the UK to what you expect Christmas to be like in Cyprus. Well Cyprus won’t disappoint. Although it will be different, the Cypriotes are known for celebrating in style. The sweet aroma of Cypriote cookies will be smelled everywhere you go, Greek Turkey’s will be being stuffed and put into ovens, carols will be sung by young and old alike and children will be getting excited about Santa visiting just as they do in the UK. The Cypriote Christmas festivities begin as early as the 6th December and continue all the way through to New Years Day so no matter when you choose to travel to the island you will still be able to get into the Christmas Spirit.

Book cheap flights to Cyprus and enjoy a Christmas like no other.

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