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Bathroom Safety

Safety in the bathroom is extremely important. After all, bathrooms are a place where electricity and water can be in close proximity and also where certain medicines are often kept, and may therefore need to be safe from the reach of tiny hands.

When you add to this the fact that bathroom flooring can very quickly become very slippery if it is made from the wrong material and the fact that glass shower doors can be an added danger should someone slip and fall, there are many different dangers waiting to happen, and every year millions of people are hurt or worse in accidents in the bathroom.

The first step is to avoid such slips and falls. Vinyl flooring is often the best choice for bathroom flooring since it is very durable and will deal with excessive water extremely well. Switching to such a solution can also help make your bathroom safer too since there are many anti-slip treatments available to make the floor as safe as possible.

However, it is not just your vinyl flooring which you need to ensure is anti-slip; your bath and shower should also have non-slip strips attached to them and where possible hand rails available to make the room even safer. Try using safety glass for shower doors too if at all possible.

Where you can, try to avoid using any electrical sockets in the bathroom. Should you need to have a shaver in the room, always try to ensure that there is no running water or filled sinks or tubs. Also, sockets should always be at least three metres away from the bath or shower.

Finally, ensure children are supervised in the bathroom at all times. From dangers from the likes of water and electricity to the hazards posed by cleaning solutions and even medicines, there are many dangers presented to children in a bathroom, and therefore many reasons to always keep an eye out.



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