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Benefits of Industrial Automation Systems for Newspapers

All newspapers, whether they are local, regional or national titles, pride themselves on quality of journalism and news values to ensure they maintain high levels of readership and meet the requirements of targeted consumer groups. Both daily and weekly newspaper companies across the United Kingdom require substantial industrial automation systems in order to print a subordinate number of papers that can be effectively distributed across retail outlets to provide an objective, impartial view of stories that are of public interest. Considering that certain newspapers have established a readership quantity of well over a million members of the general public, traditional printers that are available as a singular or multi-purpose product simply cannot provide efficiency and bulk numbers of newspapers in accordance with such high demands to satisfy loyal custom.

In mind of the editorial requirements of a newspaper, such as article completion to a set deadline, editorial work and amendments before it is authorised for print and subsequent distribution, many newspaper companies already own, or require, a system that incorporates DC drives. The efficiency and high torque capacity of such drives provide essential high performances within the printing and manufacturing of newspapers in bulk numbers which can be then be provided to distributors to be delivered to all outlets that sell newspapers. In a similar vein to traditional printing presses that laid the foundations for more modern, advanced technologies, industrial automation systems used to filter paper through for the purpose of printing can be effectively controlled by designated personnel who can vary the speed and torque of production. Such control can be beneficial to not only ensure bulk orders are printed in time to meet distribution deadlines, but also allow a controllable speed to effectively print all text and images to leave a professional finish and avoid any smudging or printing errors.

DC drives are integrated within paper printing systems due to their simplicity and reliability which are valued components within any industrial application. Gaining full control over systems in which speed and torque can be altered without power circuit switching via a quick response time perfectly illustrates the benefits that all newspaper companies can gain from industrial automation processes.

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