
Brush up on house selling ideas

It is more than likely that your home has become very much an extension of you and your family. There is nothing wrong with that of course, far from it, that is what making a house a home is all about. However, we can’t all have the same tastes; that would just be boring, so here are a few ideas to help a sale along.

Paint restraint

It is well worth investing in a little paint and some paintbrushes, and giving the whole place a quick once over. Blank canvases sell well, so looking to redecorate in muted colours such as off whites and creams is a good idea. The bigger the budget, the better of course but, if you are unsure exactly what to do, asking local estate agents for their help is good.

Boring flooring

In much the same way, flooring should be updated. Patterned fitted carpets aren’t all the rage these days, whilst laminate flooring is also a little hit and miss. Laying a good value natural coloured carpet will help; yes, it isn’t the most exciting of inventions, but it will let people see where they can make their own impression.

Curtail the detail

To make a home comfortable, it is quite proper to have photos, ornaments and various personal nick knacks on display. However, as most estate agents in the UK will testify too, these can be incredibly off putting and distracting to buyers. Try and remove most of these details; that blank canvas is what to think about again.

These are of course only a few suggestions that could help you secure that sell a little more quickly than otherwise. Most importantly though, find the best estate agents to work with. To help, take a look at what people are saying about them with us, at Meet My Agent.



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