
Buying a Property in North Cyprus

North Cyprus is so beautiful a place that it could not possibly all be located on only one continent! Perched on the junction of the European, Asian and African continental plates the island has a wonderful climate which ranges from a cool but mild 10°C in winter to a pleasantly warm 30°C in the height of summer. The Mediterranean weather allows for a glorious 300 days of sunshine in a year, making Northern Cyprus the perfect place to buy a house.

If you are considering buying a house in North Cyprus, you are probably already aware of the unspoiled natural surroundings, unpolluted beaches and friendly and warm locals; but so beautiful an area is always worth discussion! A North Cyprus estate agent will waste no time in describing the beautiful countryside, and will also mention property in North Cyprus towns and cities, such as Kyremia, Famagusta and Nicosia.

Kyremia was founded by Achaean settlers and grew to become one of the 10 kingdoms of Cyprus. The city was fortified by the Byzantines later, and then expanded by the Lusignans and then again by the Venetians – just proving how very popular with foreigners North Cyprus has always been! Kyremia has a beautiful horse-shoe shaped harbour which is delightfully picturesque when the gaily decorated fishing boats are sailing back and forth. Medieval Kyremia Castle is a popular tourist attraction and shows that North Cyprus property development has always been important to those choosing to live here.

The fabulously named town of Famagusta lies on the Eastern coast of North Cyprus, very close to the ruins of the 3100 year old city of Salamis. Thanks to Salamis being abandoned in ancient times the ruins afford archaeologists, historians and anyone with an interest in such matters a delightful glimpse into what the town must have looked like when it was in full use. The name Famagusta means ‘buried in sand’ and this refers to the silted up mouth of the river Pedios to the north of the town. Famagusta boasts the deepest harbour on all of Cyprus and the old walls of the city were the inspiration for Shakespeare’s Othello. Famagusta shows remnants of both the ancient Roman and Islamic influences that have shaped the town and the island, creating a unique ambiance, unattainable anywhere else.

The capital of Cyprus is enchanting Nicosia, the world’s only remaining divided capital. The island of Cyprus has North Cyprus, correctly styled the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; a breakaway region whose independence is only recognised by Turkey, and South Cyprus which is the Republic of Cyprus, under Greek governance. Originally called Ledra, Nicosia was created capital of the island when Richard Lionheart (King Richard of the Robin Hood tales!) took control of the island after the Crusades. He passed control to the Knights Templar who used the city as the capital; until the citizens of the island protested and overthrew them in 1192. This coup did not prevent the Knights Templar from selling the island onwards to another conquering hero crusader, Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem, who settled on the island with a vast retinue. It is during his rule that Nicosia’s position as capital was cemented. Nicosia has a vast and rich history ranging from the ancient Egyptians, to the Romans, to Crusaders, Venetians the Ottoman Empire and many other invaders and visitors welcome and otherwise! There are monuments, museums and historical sites and relics where the visitor can begin to learn about the breadth of history and civilisation that has formed the island and the people that live on it.

Nicosia and North Cyprus is not all about the old days and history; water activities and sports are widely available, a thriving nightlife beckons, hosted by the freshest DJs flown out from London to keep the clubs and pubs hopping, and of course, there is the peace and tranquillity of the countryside and coast-lines. North Cyprus estate agents do not have to work too hard to fulfil their sales quota each month; who would not want to live in such a unique, beautiful and relaxed part of the world?



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