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Buying School Playground Equipment

When it comes to buying school playground equipment you need to give several factors some thought in order to make sure you buy the right items. One of the most important considerations you need to make is the age of the people that are going to be using this equipment. Children have very different abilities depending on their age so you need to make sure that the equipment you buy is going to cater correctly for them. After all – you don’t want to be spending your money on something that isn’t going to get used.

If you have a school of mixed ages then it can be worth having two play areas with different pieces of equipment in to help keep everyone happy.

What you also need to think about is the number of people that are going to be using this at any one time. If you have 100 children coming out to play at the same time then one swing probably isn’t going to be enough. Instead think about bigger pieces of equipment which are easily shared and therefore you can be more confident that you are going to be catering for everyone.

Above and beyond the actual equipment that you buy you also need to think about the safety aspect of the playground that you are designing. For example you need to think about the surface that you are going to have laid to try and prevent serious injury when a child falls.

As you are buying school playground equipment as opposed to just a playground it can be worth trying to get an educational aspect into it. There are different ways that you can do this – for example an ABC climbing frame! Your children won’t even realise that this is educational because they will be too busy having fun!

Although all of this sounds like a big responsibility you don’t have to go it alone. Most companies that supply school playground equipment should be able to give you help and support to ensure that you buy the exact right items for you and your needs and that you get the best value for money in the playground equipment that you buy.

If you need help buying school playground equipment then get in touch with Pentagon Sport.

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