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Car key problems in London?

Lost car keys or misplaced car keys. It’s a common occurrence and so frustrating, especially when use of the car is essential. Doubly frustrating if there is only one set so there are no spare car keys. Losing car keys happens to most people at one time or another and not always at home. In somewhere like London there is the additional problem of who to call? London is a huge city and locksmiths are not easy to find, especially if one is in unfamiliar territory. For a start, where does one look? Not every high street has a locksmith shop and if it does, it will be a general key locksmith. There is not much a key locksmith can do if there are no keys to work with. If there are no yellow pages handy then it is a case of getting online to try and find an auto locksmith that can help. It is all time consuming and chances are time is precious. The only apparent solution is to find a garage – nigh on impossible if you happen to be in central London. The remaining option is to call the dealer from whom the car was bought but that could be highly impractical if the dealer is outside of London. Any one of those options is likely to be very costly as it will involve having to have the car towed to a garage and then there is the potential wait for a new set of car keys to be cut. It could take several days if the manufacturer has to be contacted to obtain key numbers in order to cut new car keys. All the while, the expense is mounting up and the inconvenience of being without the use of the car is causing undue stress.

There is a simple solution – one that means the only requirement is one phone call and bingo, problem solved. The Auto Locksmith is a life saver when it comes to lost car keys. It offers a mobile car locksmith service that covers the whole of London and surrounding Home Counties. As a mobile service, The Auto Locksmith offers a roadside service, covering the whole of London, and it can often attend a vehicle within 30 minutes of the call being received.

The Auto Locksmith has a fleet of mobile vans so it has London covered. Its team of expert car locksmiths has the ability to gain access to a vehicle easily, determine what is required and cut new sets of car keys on the spot, even when there is nothing to work with key wise. No matter how modern the car or what make, The Auto Locksmith can produce new keys and often, within the space of an hour or so, the car is road ready. Whether at home, at work or at a business meeting, location in London is irrelevant as the service comes to the customer and the work is done at the roadside. Aside from alleviating what could be a huge potential headache, the added bonus of this mobile car locksmith service is cost – replacing lost car keys using The Autolocksmith will save a hefty amount of money.

So how can a new set of car keys can be produced when there is no existing example to copy, particularly with modern makes of car that require transponder chips to activate central locking and engine immobilisers? Every mobile locksmith van run by The Auto Locksmith is equipped with the latest software and technology to be able to determine not only what type of key is required but also to determine what electronic information is required for the transponder chip. Aside from producing new car keys, the mobile auto locksmiths can also programme keys with a new transponder chip.

Given the fact that lost or misplaced car keys can happen at any time, a wise person will avoid the unpleasant experience of solving a difficult problem using this easiest of solutions. It’s a gem of a service that is only a phone call away. The Auto Locksmith’s free phone telephone number, 0800 158 3798 is one worth having stored on a mobile phone or keeping close to hand. With such a convenient and very reasonably priced service close to hand, particularly in London, no one can afford to ignore it. The Autolocksmith service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year so lost or misplaced car keys need never be a problem.

In fact, The Auto Locksmith in London is not just a life saver when it comes to lost or misplaced car keys. Sometimes car keys get worn and snap in the lock or in the ignition. Sometimes the key turns in the ignition but doesn’t make the necessary connection to the immobiliser box which means the car won’t start. These experienced mobile car locksmiths can deal with all of these problems in the same efficient way, sorting things out on the spot with a minimum of inconvenience.

There are times when, inadvertently, car keys can get locked inside the car. How many times have stories been told of people doing something simple like putting down car keys whilst loading shopping into the car boot and then shutting it before remembering to pick them up? A general locksmith can be called in that situation and they will be able to gain access to a car to retrieve the keys but chances are they may cause some damage doing it. Car keys and any problems associated with them is The Auto Locksmith’s business. If pipes burst only the services of a professional plumber will do. If the electrics in a house go, only the services of a qualified electrician will do. It should be no different when it comes to car keys – only the services of a qualified car locksmith should do. That there is a service in London and the Home Counties that will attend the vehicle wherever it is, cancelling out any need for expensive tow charges, garage fees and such like is a Godsend. No matter what the problem is – even if simply to gain access to a vehicle, call the professionals.

With The Auto Locksmith it doesn’t have to be an emergency situation or problem. If the requirement is simply for a spare set of car keys in order to avoid a future issue of lost or misplaced car keys, this friendly, efficient service that is wholly customer driven will do the job whatever the time of day, whichever day of the year for a very reasonable cost.

The Auto Locksmith’s fleet of mobile car locksmiths covers central London, North, South, East and West London and extends into the Home Counties of Hertfordshire, Kent, Essex, Sussex, Middlesex Surrey, and Berkshire.

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