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Corporate video production

Corporate videos have been around for decades and have provided countless companies with the opportunity to cement their branding and communicate effectively with would-be customers and associates. Though the videos are not intended for mainstream audiences, the way consumption of video has evolved has led to a scenario where videos are shared via platforms such as streaming sites, meaning that wider exposure can be achieved and companies can benefit notably from word-of-mouth process.

Uses of corporate video

Whilst there are no rigid rules and regulations around corporate videos, there are certain frameworks that might be used in terms of what a video looks like. There are numerous purposes for corporate videos to serve, and there are not always simply geared towards potential customers and clients. For example, the videos may be used for the purposes of staff training or even for educational purposes.

Working with a budget

Costs can also vary wildly when it comes to corporate video depending upon the budget that is set aside for production. Generally, the more money is laid out the more advanced the final product might be. Post-production and special effects may be notable contributors to the final cost, as might the time taken to produce the video and the amount of staff involved to create the product.

Despite the popularity of streaming, parties making use of corporate films may continue to request that physical copies be made of the final product. This enables them to send physical content out to interested parties and arguably increases the chances of the video actually being viewed by the company’s targets. Physical copies may also convince others that extra efforts have been made to impress and that more hard work has gone into the project, whilst also giving a company the chance to cement their branding via the packaging attached to the DVD and list key information on it such contact details.

Reaching potential clients

Before a film is produced, pre-production will occur, allowing the producers of the video to liaise with the clients in order to ensure that mutual expectations are met. Scripts will be written, actors booked, locations identified and all administrative work completed before filming takes place. Post-production will involve processes such as editing, adding graphics and perhaps a voice over and music to ensure that the final piece is an elaborate one. In today’s climate, the potential for customer reach via corporate video is higher than ever.



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