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Cycle Accident Compensation

There are many potential causes of road accidents ranging from being hit by another road user to grassy roads and even potholes. The type of accident will affect how badly you are injured and this, in turn, will partially determine the after effects of such an accident. Where it can be proven that somebody else was to blame for your accident it is possible for you to be able to claim compensation. This can be used to pay for bike and equipment repairs, and to ensure that you are able to concentrate on getting back to full health without having to worry about lost earnings.


The bike itself can become badly damaged and some modern bikes can cost a lot to have repaired or fully replaced. Attempting repairs yourself or having them completed to an unsatisfactory level may not yield the kind of results that you are looking for.


As well as the bike itself you need to consider any other equipment that you may be carrying at the time of the accident. Lights and even bike satellite navigations systems which are on the bike can become broken. Mobile phones and other items in a bag or even in your pocket could also suffer depending on the severity of the accident. Jolting or jarring can cause damage to some accidents; it may not be necessary for the items to directly hit the floor.


Your cycle accident compensation claim may also make allowances for any income you stand to lose from your accident. In many cases, hopefully, injuries will be minimal and it may only take a few days to fully recover. This isn’t always the case, though, and broken bones and other serious injuries can occur leaving you unable to work for some time. Eventually, you will lose money through lost work and this will be very difficult to recover.


If you have been involved in a bike accident that was not your fault, and blame can be proven then you can seek compensation from the guilty party. Whether this is another road user, somebody responsible for the upkeep of a private road, or even the local council you could win the money to pay for bike repairs, equipment replacements, and to cover your loss of earnings.


Visit for more information on how to claim for a bike accident and to seek the cycle accident compensation that you are due.

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