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Detox your Purse AND Yourself with a Food dehydrator from Wholistic Research

Are you sick and tired of being told what to eat? Tried every diet going? Atkins AND Weight Watchers but seen no real results on your waistline OR your health? If so, you need to re think your approach to feasting NOW because what gives you a moment on the lips…

Jordan swears by Champion Juicers for her annual detox and the food dehydrator isn’t far behind in the dieting race and, Wholistic Research are committed to providing the kitchen tools you need to ensure your successful journey to ‘svelte- Ville‘ with an affordable food hydrator or Champion Juicers for anyone…

Champion Juicers can be used to create a delectable range of smoothies and dehydrating sweet fruit like bananas and strawberries as well as savoury treats like garden vegetables using a quality food dehydrator is advantageous to many people, whether they are wishing to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle; that much is obvious. Time and time again celebrities and ‘real people’ alike are reaping the rewards of both diets and the pounds are dropping off. A Food dehydrator: Step aside Rosemary Conley!

Additionally, are your children addicted to that daily ‘sweet fix? Tugging at your sleeves begging for after- school rewards in the shape of unwholesome, noxious candy? If so, you really MUST buy a food dehydrator or choose from a range of Champion Juicers today and start turning up at the school gates with dehydrated strips of pineapple or mouth- wateringly good smoothies, because they’ll never know the difference between those and the artificially sweetened alternatives. Dehydrating food, using a quality, hard wearing food dehydrator or one of many Champion Juicers, is a number one method of creating good- tasting, life- sustaining food.

A shocking 18 MILLION tonnes of food ends up in landfill every year in the UK and a massive third of this is produced from domestic households! Therefore, using a food dehydrator will not only benefit you on a personal level, it will also impact positively on our environment because as an additional, major advantage, your food hydrator can preserve foods like porcini mushrooms- also highly expensive – which should be added to recipes frugally to enhance flavour and taste. In essence, a food hydrator is: cost- effective, useful AND diet- enhancing… a food hydrator is not for aesthetic appeal, it is simply limitless!

Equip yourself in health, save the pennies because a food dehydrator from Wholistic Research is not just your everyday kitchen appliance. Your hips will thank you in the long run…



Food dehydrator is provided at the best possible prices at We provide the best price for our Champion Juicers as well – Visit our website today for more information!

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