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Drink driving solicitors from Maidments Motor Defence Solicitors

In the UK, there are three main types of drink driving offences that exist under the Road Traffic Acts. The first involves driving or attempting to drive a vehicle while over the prescribed limit or whilst unfit through drink or drugs, the second is being caught in charge of a vehicle while over the prescribed limit, and the third failing to provide a roadside breath test or an evidential sample when required.

If you have been found to be committing one of these offences, it can be a very daunting experience and you might be left unsure which drink driving solicitors to turn to to help bring about the best possible outcome.

Are you looking for the best and most reliable drink driving solicitors available?

With some of the best drink driving solicitors, Maidments Motor Defence Solicitors undertake a detailed investigation into each case they take on. Their drink driving solicitors are experienced and capable of representing you in court.

With over two hundred years of combined experience, their drink driving solicitors are dedicated to providing you with the best possible representation and court outcome available.

With a broad spectrum of sentences for drink driving solicitors are well informed about the latest laws and rulings, and are best placed to minimise any sentence by as much as is possible.

With their specialist experience in the field, the drink driving solicitors from Maidments Motor Defence Solicitors instruct only the Uk’s leading and most respected experts and alcohol barristers.

In addition to their respected drink driving solicitors, Maidments Motor Defence Solicitors are also on hand to help with any issues relating to speeding, driving without due care and dangerous driving.

For more information about the services provided from the drink driving solicitors at Maidments Motor Defence Solicitors, visit them online today.



Drink driving solicitors

can help you if you are in trouble and at we are motoring solicitors that can help you every step of the way. Visit us today for more information!

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