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Engineering Apprenticeships In Essex

Engineering is a vast field that can cover many different industries and each particular engineering position will have different demands and requirements. However, with the fast paced movement of modern technology, there is always a demand for high quality engineers that are qualified and trained while also being hard working and willing to put the effort in. The length of an apprenticeship can differ but it enables you to earn while you learn and if you are already in work but looking to change direction or improve opportunities this can prove highly important in the decision making process.

There are a number of different qualifications which you can study in order to get into an engineering career. From diplomas to degrees, though, these typically mean relying on government funding or taking out a loan to cover the cost of your study. With more and more students finding themselves in debt and struggling to repay it, an apprenticeship could prove the ideal solution.

With apprenticeships in Essex you do complete some class based study work as well as some work from home but much of the work you undertake will be within the workplace. This not only means that you receive payment for the work that you complete but it also offers a number of other advantages; primarily, it means that you will have hands on experience that can prove essential to employers when they are looking for the best candidates.

Some skill cannot be properly taught in a classroom. With an apprenticeship, much of the learning you undertake is vocational and this means that you will not only learn the theory behind what you do but you will also learn the practical side of the work. You will be better equipped when you start your first job and you will be a more employable prospect to many organisations.

Engineering apprenticeships can provide interested candidates with an ideal means of moving into a new role or progressing their existing career in a new direction. You can learn the theory during classroom and book based study while building the practical skills with hands on experience working in the field. specialises in engineering apprenticeships in Essex that are geared towards women. The workplace is crying out for skilled and qualified female engineers and you could be one of the next to benefit with an appropriate apprenticeship.

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