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Enjoy safe and happy Firework Displays this year

Bonfire night, what does that mean to you? Is it the night you’ll take the family to see Firework Displays, eat treacle toffee like it’s going out of fashion and write letters in the air with sparklers? That’s how most people view bonfire night anyway, it’s a strong tradition in the UK and numerous Firework Displays and bonfires light up the land on 5th November each year. Many of them are professional events that use the latest pyrotechnics, whilst others are more modest events that involve simpler types of Firework Displays. Either way great care should be taken with Firework Displays whatever type of event you are planning this year.

Safety tips for Firework Displays

Host your own bonfire party this year and there are does and don’ts to adhere to when performing Firework Displays. Buy your own fireworks and they should be kept in a safe place until you plan to use them for Firework Displays never store them near a heat source or naked flame. When lighting fireworks always use safety lighters at arm lengths length and if one fails to go off never go back to it, your Firework Displays could end in disaster if you return to the firework and it suddenly sparks into life. Ensure spectators are a safe distance from fireworks and make sure the fireworks are free to fly up into the air with nothing to hinder their progress.

Don’t step out of your comfort zone when putting on Firework Displays

Simple shop-bought fireworks are fine for smaller types of Firework Displays. If you are planning a huge party though and would like to use pyrotechnics during the event it’s time to bring in the big guns. Approach a professional company to organise and orchestrate Firework Displays and you’ll make sure your event is memorable for all the right reasons and not for safety concerns. Organised Firework Displays are safe and well organized, they’re ideal for bonfire parties and perfect for weddings, anniversaries and a host of occasions where a grand finale is required. Whether you plan your own party at home with a box of supermarket fireworks or want to light up the night sky with a professional pyrotechnic display, insist on the highest safety standards throughout the event.



Enterprise Events UK is a company specialising in bringing Firework Displays to your events or parties. It’s not just sparklers and rockets, we can bring some real pyrotechnics to your next event so that you can make an entrance with an impact.

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