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Extending Your TV Warranty

The average home not only has two or three televisions but multiple blu ray players, DVD’s, PVR’s, Sky boxes, and other electronic devices and the consumer is well advised to consider taking out extended warranties on the higher ticket price items. We are certainly more reliant on these items now than ever before but taking out individual warranties on all of these items including a TV warranty for each TV set, as well as your kitchen appliances, white goods, and other household appliances, can mean spending a small fortune every month.

A typical TV warranty will only last for twelve months from the manufacturer and when this period runs out it, if you don’t have an extended warranty in place it means that you are liable to pay for any repairs or other costs should your television go wrong.

Replacing even a small TV in the spare bedroom can cost £150 or more; an expense most of us can ill afford especially in these difficult economic times. However, compared to the prospect of paying £6 or more per TV and per device, this may seem like the cheaper option, at least until a replacement set is needed. The usually compromise is to take out an extended TV warranty on the main TV but leave the other sets to their own devices.

With an all in one household appliance warranty, you can enjoy the benefits of extended warranties but with considerable cost savings when compared to taking out a warranty on each and every item in the home. It is also more convenient to have a single warranty because you don’t need to take the time and remember to extend each warranty individually and you can even manage your policy online at any time of night or day.

Rather than paying a fortune on numerous warranties for all of the items in your home, consider a single policy that will cover every item from your TV and home entertainment system to your washing machine and fridge. You will be surprised at the cost saving this offers and you will certainly enjoy the flexibility and convenience it offers.


With you can enjoy the benefits of a TV warranty for all the sets in your home as well as other home appliances, white goods, and electrical items. Save money and enjoy peace of mind with a flexible and convenient warranty plan.

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