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Eyelash Extentions to Boost Your Beauty

We all want to look our best and for women, one of the things which make them to feel more feminine and attractive is to have long thick lashes. However, most women are sadly not blessed with any such lashes and for most, short, stumpy and scant eyelashes is the sad reality. If you are one such woman, then you could help nature along and give your lashes a beauty boost by having eyelash extentions applied to your lashes.

Eyelash Extentions

On average, we will lose around one lash a day and this can leave us with pretty sorry looking lashes. There will be no flirty batting of the lashes for those who have little lashes, or too few lashes to work with unless something is done to improve their appearance. Of course, it is possible to improve the look of lashes simple with a good tube of mascara, but this will only be successful if you have a decent number of lashes, of a decent length to begin with. If you do not, then false lashes are a possibility, however, false lashes will often look very fake and over the top, which means that they are not really suitable for everyday use. This leaves eyelash extentions, which can be simply applied to the lashes to create those long sweeping lashes that all women dream of.

What Are They?

Eyelash extentions are simply lashes which have been created from synthetic materials. They are bonded to the eyelash, rather than the skin, so they simply extend the length of your existing lashes for a fuller, sexier look.

Having eyelash extentions added to your lashes can take up to two hours and should ideally be completed by an expert beautician who has had all of the relevant training. A special lash adhesive must be used, as this will ensure that the eyelash extentions stay in place and look and act as natural as possible.

How Much Volume?

How big and bold you want your eyelash extentions to be is completely up to you. The beautician will consult with you beforehand and will then go on to create the perfect lashes you have always dreamed of. sells a range of popular eyelash extentions for fuller eyelashes. To learn more visit their website today.

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