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For the best private detectives you need only consider one name, 3e Group

Are you presently undergoing a painful divorce and are looking for absolute proof of the infidelity of your spouse? Are you convinced that your business has fallen victim to corporate espionage, and are on the hunt for a service to watch those whom you consider responsible? If this rings a bell then the 3e Group’s private detectives are exactly what you need.
With over two decades of experience as private investigators of considerable success and note, 3e Group has the experience to provide you with a private investigators service that perfectly caters to your requirements. We operate three hundred and sixty five days a year and pride ourselves on the innovative, discreet and comprehensive service that our private detectives offer.
The wealth of experience that our private detectives have employed is as diverse as our services are thorough. Whether you want to trace a long lost loved one, have an insurance fraud investigation to probe suspected cases of fraud, then here at 3e Group our private detectives can assist you.
Indeed, if you are considering employing an individual, and would like one of our private detectives to undertake a background check, then here at 3e Group we can help you. All of the private detectives that we have at our disposal are fully-trained and highly experienced. They will help you achieve the results that you desire, and will consistently work tirelessly on your behalf.
If, for whatever reason you’re still unconvinced that the private detectives that we employ are not for you then you need only consider one of our testimonials. Cardiff Pinnacle said of us, ‘We chose to work with 3e Group as we were impressed with their professional approach. As their employees previously worked in the police or military they have the ability to get the job done.’
To find out more about the selection private detectives of services that 3e Group’s private investigators can offer you, or to contact us and discuss your individual requirement, then you need only come to our website at:


Private Detectives are provided by our company offering a professional service at We are one of the leading providers of Private Investigators as well – Visit our website today for details!

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