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Get up to date with the changes in EYFS with easy to use classroom software

The Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS learning requirements have changed- are you up to date? It’s important to bring your classroom in line with the new Foundation stage curriculum, which sets out 17 early learning goals. The Early Years version of Classroom Monitor assists Early Years educational practitioners in collating all records, evidence and reports required for submission through one simple interface.

All care providers for children below 5 years old must comply with EYFS requirements. The new requirements include assessments at age 2 to detect development needs earlier. The carer must assess the child in the 3 main learning and development categories: physical development; personal, social and emotional development; and communication and language. As part of the Foundation stage curriculum the results of these assessments must be passed on to parents.

Classroom Monitor Early Years software will ensure you and your class are on track with the Foundation stage curriculum under the new EYFS framework. It essentially provides a markbook for recording progress against the curriculum. Teachers provide judgements of each child’s progress and can easily upload evidence to support their judgement the easy to use interface. This provides a clear overview of progress and is ideal for quick detection of weaknesses in a child’s development.

The software allows for total transparency of teaching and assessments for parents and the Local Authority. Through the continual addition of records and assessments for each child a comprehensive overview of progress against EYFS is available at any time, significantly simplifying end of year reports. Reports to parents can even be accessed online via a parent portal. Reports for Local Authorities are similarly streamlined. The software can compile the EYFS report in the correct format automatically.

To get Classroom Monitor Early Years for easy compliance with EYFS in your school or nursery visit us online at:



EYFS from We guarantee that we will do our utmost to support you to get the most out of Classroom Monitor.Visit us today for Foundation Stage Curriculum.

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