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Grab a great deal on quality Carpet St Albans

We had to admit defeat in the summer and face the fact that it was time to update the carpet in our home. We had flooring Hertfordshire fitted about 12 years ago by a company that sold Carpet St Albans and it had lasted well over the years. Paying for good quality Carpet St Albans certainly helped, we choose a rich fibre that we knew was going to last. Still, there comes a time in a carpet’s life when it has given everything it has to give and it’ll start to look a little worn, that’s what happened to our Carpet St Albans. We wanted to replace the Carpet St Albans with a like-for-like product, something similar in colour and made to the same sort of standards. If we could find that type of flooring Hertfordshire at a brilliant price it would be even better.

By chance I found our original receipt for flooring Hertfordshire and we had purchased Carpet St Albans from a family business known as Marshalswick Furnishing Co. They were a specialist company that sold Carpet St Albans and a quick look online confirmed they were still selling top quality flooring Hertfordshire to local communities. Casting my mind back I remember what a great service they provided us with the last time we needed Carpet St Albans it really was a pleasure to order new flooring from this traditional type of business. So we had no qualms about using their services again to order Carpet St Albans for our home.

I don’t know about you but I like to feel like I’m getting a personal service when I order new flooring Hertfordshire and that’s something you can count on when you purchase Carpet St Albans from the team at Marshalswick Furnishing Co. They have built up their business on time-honoured traditions and anyone that buys Carpet St Albans from their store will be treated to unrivalled customer service. We bought new Carpet St Albans from them in the summer and it looks gorgeous in our lounge, it was priced very competitively as well. I’ve the utmost in confidence in the carpet and know that it’s going to provide us with many years of pleasure just like our old carpet did.



Carpet St Albans from We offer one of the largest selections of carpets and flooring in Hertfordshire and St Albans. Visit us today for flooring Hertfordshire.