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Home Buyers Survey in Manchester

There are several types of home buyers survey in Manchester. There are those demanded by mortgage lenders to ensure that the property is worth enough money that it can be used as security on the home loan. There are also two types of RICS home buyers survey in Manchester; the home buyer report and the building survey. The former is the most popular and is ideal for properties in good or reasonable condition. The latter, on the other hand, offers a complete survey and is best suited to older properties and those in need of renovation and repair.


The mortgage valuation survey is really only beneficial to the mortgage lender. It answers basic questions to ensure that the property can be used as security for your mortgage. A valuation will be an essential part of acquiring a mortgage for any property and your mortgage lender, or proposed lender, will demand that one be completed before they agree to finalise the mortgage.


The mortgage valuation is not a home buyers survey. In Manchester, the most popular form of survey is the home buyer report. This is less comprehensive than the full structural survey or building survey but it does provide details of defects and repairs that will affect the value of the property. Paying for a home buyers survey in Manchester can save you considerable financial outlay and heartbreak further down the line.


A building survey, which may also be referred to as a full structural survey or technical survey, is a much more comprehensive offering. It looks at every aspect of the property to determine whether it has any defects whatsoever. If a house has been heavily changed, is especially old, or is run down and in need of repairs then you should consider a full building survey so that you know the exact extent of the repair work that is required.


Choosing the right home buyers survey in Manchester is a critical part of the home buying process. It can save you considerable money in the long run. You should also bear in mind that a valuation survey is for the benefit of the lender and not the buyer so you will need an additional survey to find any possible problems.


For an extensive and competitively priced home buyers survey in Manchester contact Fridaysmove today. Choose from a range of options and make sure you really are buying your dream property and not about to embark on a nightmare.

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