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How Speeding Tickets Are Handed Out

Unlike some other traffic offences, like parking tickets speeding fines are controlled by the police. They even get involved in disputes arising over speeding fines issued using evidence gathered from stationery cameras. If you get caught speeding, even by a stationery camera it is considered quite a serious offence. For this reason there are quite strong consequences attached to these offences.

Most speeding tickets are issued as a result of you passing too fast past a stationary speeding camera. Some of these cameras are permanent and are located beside the road or located in overhead gantries. Others are built into road works, so are semi-permanent. It is even possible to use cameras mounted on traffic lights to catch people speeding.

The police also catch people speeding using several kinds of temporary speed cameras. The one most people are aware of is the handheld laser camera. The police also occasionally set up temporary speed traps using SPECs cameras. However, the majority of the time police catch you speeding using speed cameras mounted in their patrol cars.

Dealing with Speeding Tickets

If you get given a speeding ticket, you have two choices, pay it or contest it. Either way you need to take action quickly. A lot of people open the notification and do not think about dealing with it for months. Doing this narrows down your options.

If you plan to pay your fine, paying it early can get you a discount. However, paying it late can cost you more. So, if you are going to pay it do so as soon as possible.

If you plan to contest your fine, you also need to do so as soon as possible. Gathering the evidence to successfully contest your fine can take time.

When contesting speeding tickets it is wise to get professional help. When private individuals contest their tickets, their success rate is low. A professional speeding barrister or lawyer knows the system. They prepare your case to be strong to go through the whole process not to just be strong when presented in a magistrate’s court.


The Speeding Barrister has over 25 years experience of dealing with speeding ticketsand other traffic offences.

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