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Jackie Middleton Garden Design – get a professional planting plan and see those flower beds looking good this year

For god’s sake, don’t tell me – those herbaceous borders aren’t quite as verdant as they should be. You’ve chosen the wrong plants for your garden and, with no planting plan when you planted them they’ve come out looking not just disappointing but haphazard, unprofessional and messy.

So you’re looking to sit down and come up with a planting plan this year are you? Well I’ll warn you, if you think you’re going to have the time necessary to draw up a planting plan that’ll see your garden looking good this summer, you can pretty much forget about it right now. It takes some real skill to come up with a carefully considered planting plan – it take a lot more than a amateur gardeners with a bit of time on their hands.

Specialising in providing their clients with a planting plan that’ll really make the most of those gardens and see them looking their best, Jackie Middleton Garden Design are a company who pride themselves on their ability to transform even the most dull and lifeless of gardens into some of the most vibrant, resplendent with well-chosen selections of plants that’ll look good year round.

Talking through their planting plan idea, they make sure that you receive a planting plan that’ll coexist peacefully with your architectural and herbaceous style.

In addition to their fantastic planting plan solution, Jackie Middleton Garden Design go the whole hog with full garden design to compliment their planting plan services.

Unlike some garden designers out there who provide their clients with planting plan solutions that aren’t really solution to anything and see poorly chosen plants sitting beside even worse plants that fail to bloom in even the most glorious of summer months.

To find out more about the services provided by Jackie Middleton Garden Design, visit them online today and ensure that you get a planting plan that’ll really make the most of the space you have available, making that garden look sophisticated and verdant.



Planting Plan from A beautiful garden is one to be treasured and enjoyed; let us help to turn your dreams into a reality. Visit us today for Garden Design Surrey.

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