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Keeping Important Data Safe

There are many ways in which data can be lost. Not only is it possible for computers and even external hard drives to fail, in some cases quite spectacularly, but it is also possible for user error or even malicious intent to see a great deal of information get completely wiped. In some cases, this information will be retrievable, and in some it won’t, yet even if the information has been backed up, the cost to a company who cannot access information for a period of time can be extremely great.

Therefore, if you have any important information, no matter how much or how little, having the right network storage is going to be extremely important. Not only will using network storage allow you to share files easily and keep documents stored safely, but the right solutions will also allow you to have volume replication, allowing any malicious attempt to delete files or any technical failure in your own offices to have far less impact and allow you to access the files you need in real time.

The information you store could be at risk at any time. For instance, even CCTV footage may well need to be effectively stored and using a NAS storage solution will ensure that you are not going to see important data wiped by those who wish to remain anonymous within your company whilst doing something unethical, or see outsiders hack into your systems to delete footage as it is being recorded to cover up a crime.

Many businesses will assume that backing up their work on their own individual systems or by using external hard drive solutions will be all that it takes to keep data safe. However, without the likes of NAS storage, it will be extremely easy for information to be lost forever by accident or through malicious intent, or at the very least for businesses to find huge amounts of money and business lost whilst they are unable to access critical data.



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