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Keeping Your Dog Healthy All Summer

Dogs are big fans of the summer months. The warmer weather affords them the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and reap the many benefits of increased exercise. But, just as hot cars can present serious dangers for your pup, there will be many potential threats once the warmer weather appears.

Firstly, it is important that you look to get them the right pet food. Natural, nutritionally balanced food is extremely important if you want to ensure that they have the energy to enjoy the warm weather as much as they should. Without the right food, your dog is likely to lack energy and instead may find that the warmer weather feels oppressive rather than inviting.

Water will of course also be very important and making sure you know exactly how much dog food and water they will need over the summer months will be extremely important to keep them healthy and happy in even the very hottest of weather.

Parasites may be more of a threat in the summer so it will be much more important to make sure they get the right flea and worm treatment as early as possible in the summer months. However, the heat itself can also be a threat.

Dogs can be affected by sunlight and heat in much the same way we can, so it is important to monitor them in the sun and provide plenty of shade so that they do not become ill or sunburned due to excessive exposure.

Summer may also be a time that you wish to get out more often with your dog. Whilst they are likely to love the sunshine and being outdoors, certain events or even excessive people could cause them stress, so be sensitive to how they react to any new situations you put them in as well.

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