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Medical Sales Job

Every firm needs a strong sales team to succeed. No matter what the field is, products and services do not simply sell themselves. Salesmen and women need to get out there and make potential customers aware of what their firm has to offer.

However, it would be a mistake to think that every person who works in medical sales does the same job. The healthcare sector is a diverse one, so the product and services that need to be sold are also diverse as are the techniques used to sell them. There are two ways of dividing medical sales jobs, by sector or by job type.

Types of Medical Sales Job

The biggest sector delivers healthcare services to patients. This sector can be sub divided in several ways.

You have primary healthcare providers such as GPs and secondary healthcare providers such as clinics and hospitals. In addition, there are caring services such as home nurses and care homes. Within each of these, there are several specialist sectors, such as geriatric or paediatric.

Each sector has different needs. They use different equipment and are under different kinds of pressure. Some are under purely financial pressure, so are mostly interested in the price. Whilst some do not have adequate workers so will be sold on a product that saves them time.

The other major sector is the firms that make healthcare equipment and drugs. This sector also has many subdivisions. Their needs are different, so the sales techniques used to persuade them to buy are different too.

The Right Medical Sales Job for you

Which medical sales job is right for you depends on many factors. For example, your experience, if you have only previously sold to drug manufactures switching to selling medical supplies to care home providers may be too drastic a change. You have medical sales experience, but do not necessarily have the right level of product knowledge to sell to care homes. Looking for other sales jobs that are relevant to your current experience makes it far easier for you to find a job. Browsing through a job agency and looking at the kind or experience requested is a good way of establishing the type of medical sales roles you qualify for.


To find the right medical sales job for you visit the Sales Target website. We have thousands of jobs available across the UK.

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