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More competition thanks to the rise of the mailing house

Postage and packing can present businesses with major challenges and cost pressures. And some organisations assume, wrongly, that the Post Office is their only option. In fact there are private companies out there offering an alternative mailing house service that can cater for all kinds of postal and packaging needs. Often it works out to be more efficient and better value.

Firstly there’s the cost element to consider. Sending regular everyday mail plus mail shots and finally parcels to customers can all add up. If a business doesn’t consider all of its options then it can end up paying way over the odds for these basic services. Why throw money away unnecessarily? Secondly there’s the service element. Is the Royal Mail efficient, courteous, helpful and easy to deal with? Will they go the extra mile with helping to pack and send unusual items? A bit of competition helps to shake things up. A private mailing service means everyone is kept on their toes.

It’s well worth checking out what an independent mailing house has to offer. They can help businesses pay less for basic postal services and help them to pack more effectively and reach their customers faster. In a world where people want their orders yesterday this is incredibly important.

A simple comparison of this type of mailing service versus traditional channels can be very revealing. Working with a local independent operator can lead to cost savings and an improvement in service levels. This is especially important to any kind of e-commerce business. They deal daily in order dispatch. The success of their business depends on getting goods efficiently and in one piece to their customers.

These independent operators offer additional services too. They can manage mail shots and even hybrid campaigns involving email. Perhaps it’s time to think about making the switch to a private operator.

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