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One Company Has Gone Beyond Building Better Mouse Traps

Are you looking for better mouse traps?

Controlling pests is something that we all have to consider at some point, especially if you work in the catering or hospitality industries, or if you live in the countryside. For years the world has been trying to build better mouse traps; mouse traps that are more effective, traps that are more hygienic, traps that are more humane. Not satisfied with designing a better mouse trap, one company out there has gone one better and designed a whole new system for repelling mice from your home or restaurant entirely. If the mice do not come anywhere near your property, you do not need to trap them!

What could possibly be better than mouse traps?

The Green Shield Mouse Repeller has been designed to make the need for mouse traps a thing of the past. No more use of chemicals or unnerving traps hidden around, or worrying about the smells caused by dead mice. The Green Shield Mouse Repeller works by using the building’s electrical wiring system to create an electromagnetic field. This field creates discomfort in mice and other rodents, meaning that they will avoid coming near your home or restaurant. The field is very finely tuned so that it will not affect you or your pets – just those pests that your want to banish!

If you want to avoid using mouse traps, who can help?

If you are tired of using mouse traps and are intrigued by the Green Shield Mouse Repeller, then you can find out more by visiting Green Shield’s website at This device has already sold four million units in the United States of America, so is a proven technology. Do not be left in the rat race – visit Green Shield’s website today.



What to do about that age-old problem: how to get rid of mice? Traditional mouse traps are now a thing of the past thanks to Green Shield. It emits an electromagnetic frequency that rodents will always avoid.

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